State of Illinois County of Vermilion Village of Fairmount The Fairmount Village Board met in open session this 21 day of August, 2019 in the council chambers of the village hall. President David Ferber called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Meeting ended at 7:38 p.m. Visitors: Chief Gary Wright, Deb Vecellio and Karen Ferber Roll call Kathy Myers P, Ed Cheuvront P, Cindy Decker P, Diana Cooper P, Dan Albers P, Emily Carey Absent, President Dave Ferber P, and Clerk Suzanne Woodard P. Emily was present at 7:15 pm. Approved the minutes of July 17, 2019 regular meeting: Ed made motion, Diana 2nd Kathy Myers Y, Ed Cheuvront Y, Cindy Decker Y, Diana Cooper Y, Dan Albers Y, Emily Carey Absent Public comments: None Approve ordinance 2019-2020-02 Tax Levy Ordinance: Ed made motion, Diana 2nd Kathy Myers Y, Ed Cheuvront Y, Cindy Decker Y, Diana Cooper Y, Dan Albers Y, Emily Carey Absent Approved Community Weenie Roast to be on Saturday October 12: Ed made motion, Dan 2ndKathy Myers Y, Ed Cheuvront Y, Cindy Decker Y, Diana Cooper Y, Dan Albers Y, Emily Carey Absent. Approved list of trees to be removed- Ed made motion, Dan 2nd Kathy Myers Y, Ed Cheuvront Y, Cindy Decker Y, Diana Cooper Y, Dan Albers Y, Emily Carey Absent Dave had a list of eight trees to be looked at to be cut down. We will ask a professional tree cutter to deem what trees are dangerous and not before it will be cut down. Board Correspondence Action on bills and payroll Ed made motion, Kathy 2nd Kathy Myers Y, Ed Cheuvront Y, Cindy Decker Y, Diana Cooper Y, Dan Albers Y, Emily Carey Absent. Accept Treasures report Kathy made motion, Ed 2nd Kathy Myers Y, Ed Cheuvront Y, Cindy Decker Y, Diana Cooper Y, Dan Albers Y, Emily Carey Y. Board Comments: Dave is looking for a new property surveyor. Also, Dave wanted to know if the board is interested in making an ordinance of no parking on the improved portion of the street. He asked the board to think about this for next meeting. There are some pot holes that need to be fixed and the alley project will begin soon. Chief Wright reported that the concerns stated last meeting were addressed. Project review Water System pressure control: Dave has contacted Eric Lewsader and is waiting for him to call back. Adjourned Emily made motion and Diana 2nd, Kathy Myers Y, Ed Cheuvront Y, Cindy Decker Y, Diana Cooper Y, Dan Albers Y, Emily Carey Y. Next regular meeting September 18, 2019