State of Illinois
County of Vermilion
Village of Fairmount
The Fairmount Village Board met in open session this day of February 18, 2015 in the council chambers of the village hall. Trustee Ed Cheuvront called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Public present were Gary Wright, Colby Ferber, Susie Casey, Rinda Maddox and GW Reffett. Meeting ended 8:28 P.M.
Roll Call: Todd Street A Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y President, Dave Ferber A Suzanne Woodard Y (Dave Ferber was called out to a Champaign fire at 6:55 pm)
Approved of minutes for January 21st meeting. Suzanne noted that there were some corrections to be made on the minutes. Diana motioned, Greg 2nd, Todd Street A Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y Motion carried.
Public comments: GW Reffett passed out his business cards for his business Timberworks, and would like to be considered for bids and quotes on any tree removal or trimming jobs. He was told the town village advertises for bids and to watch the Sidell Reporter for bid proposals. Dustin asked about getting new street signs in the future, will have to
Approve Community Garden on Village Property: Susie Casey presented an idea that the Faith Church would like to install 6 raised gardens on the south end closest to the church of the village property on high Street. The church presently has a food bank that they are wanting to grow in the community for anyone in need. The idea is to grow potatoes, tomatoes, onions, radishes green beans sort of vegetables the first year and see how it goes and offer for free. The area would be mowed and weed eat, and they would be in charge of upkeep including watering. Susie said she would keep the board informed. Diana motioned to approve the use of the south end of the high street property for a community garden idea, Dustin 2nd, Todd Street A Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y Motion carried.
Worked on Equipment lists and replacement schedule for all departments for next fiscal budget.
Police: Gary presented a sheet for the price of a new squad car that could cost $33,790.00 with added items of close estimates such as console, cage, radio, decals, partitions, light bar, other lights, and radios hand held and mobile. This could be a high side figure of $45,000.00 by the time all is included. Other than that just regular upgrades and expenses.
Fire Department: Looking at a $65,000.00 expense for Fire truck pumper/tender but that would be for 2014-2015 budget. Only other thing for Fire department is the purchase of new lockers that could be $3500.00 and regular upgrades and expenses. Ed said maybe the fire department would split cost with village. The lockers are too narrow for equipment.
Water: Ed reported nothing but normal maintenance.
Streets and Alleys: Dustin said he would like to see replacement of street signs, Ed said to check with Rahn about pricing. Gary said he rock is needed in front of the bays at the garage and rock and chip some alleys. Suzanne suggested the sidewalk projects every year, try to keep at $5000.00, talked about gutters for the village garage that was approved three years ago. Suzanne said that she and Dave talked about keeping track of what is being approved and that she will be following up on approved items from now on each meeting. Discussed tree removal. Ed said some of that would be out of motor fuel.
Curb painting would be normal maintenance.
Building and Ground: Greg said minor things like paint flag pole base outside, and then the trim outside of village hall, new blinds for the village hall, and just some repairs. Greg said that Dave wanted prices but these are just repairs.
Diana wanted to know why there was a need for new drapes, and Ed said they are 30 years old and other committees use the room. Suzanne asked about the windows in the office as well.
Health and Safety: None really, except mosquito abatement. Suzanne had information on the mosquito costs of class.
Ed asked if Colby wanted to go to a workshop it is free.
Approved for Colby and another person to go to mosquito abatement class if he would like. Emily motioned, Dustin 2nd Todd Street A Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y Motion carried.
The board had skipped agenda item and went back.
Discuss projects for FY15/16: Kind of went through that with budget stuff, and Suzanne gave update on website.
Discuss fire fighters trip to dept. conference: Decided not to do this at this time, depending if the board approved the purchase of a fire truck.
Information on Auditors: Greg went to Daughtee and Parks for audit quote $7120. And Crowder and Assoc. had big range of $4000-$8500. Greg spoke with Mike Yerem at LeCleir and Yerem who is our current auditor their price was $7,350.00 to $8,150.00 every one agreed to stay with our present auditors Greg made motion to stay with LeCleir & Yerem, Emily 2nd Todd Street A Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y Motion carried.
Tabled the appointment for Liaison Officer for Vermilion County Emergency Management Agency until Dave is here to explain in detail. The letter said state requires to do so, but we will wait until March.
Approved email address for Elected and appointed officials, Suzanne explained it would be $5.00 each name and if someone resigns or not re-elected we would have to pay $5.00 for a new email. There would be 10 emails, trustee, clerk, president, water clerk. Gary said to make sure on the police department that people are to call 911 for emergencies and to see if it will be forwarded to other emails if they set it up that way.
Diana mad emotion Greg 2nd Todd Street A Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y Motion carried.
Approve purchase of used pumper/tanker: The price is $65,000.00 shipping is included in that.
The truck is in Delaware comes from a community of 40,000 people. The price was dropped from $90,000 two weeks ago and they just dropped the price to include the shipping. Suzanne had laptop up if anyone wanted to look at the truck etc. It is a 1992 Pierce Lance 1500/2500 (T0835) has 46,000 miles. Colby answered questions and explained it would replace a 1975 750 gal pump and 750 gal tank and replace a tanker that has been down for the last 7 years. The new truck would be a two in one. The other issue is does the village want to send someone to go to Delaware and actually see the truck before we purchase. Ed doesn’t see a need to go out and look at it, but thinks Dave wants to. Colby thinks we should, it is a lot of money, even though he feels the man he has been talking with is being honest. They have looked at many pictures and talked many times with the department that has it for sale. Ed doesn’t want to spend $2000.00 to send someone out there by the time look at gas, food, and lodging. Diana suggested having them send a video of the truck running. Ed said we have to approve or disapprove purchase tonight because they are meeting next week to accept our offer. We will need to get a cashier check for the purchase or if we don’t look at it maybe a wire transfer.
Diana motioned to purchase the truck $65,000.00 shipping included Greg 2nd, Todd Street A Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y Motion carried.
Ed said lets approve $2000.00 to sending people out if the need is there. Board discussed how many people would be needed, to send, was discussing 2-4 people.
Greg motioned for $2000.00 for 2 people to go out if needed. Dustin 2nd, Todd Street A Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y Motion carried.
Approve amendment to FY 14/15 budget: The amendment was made in case the fire truck purchase was approved. Last year the $160,000.00 CD was inadvertently omitted and we want to include that into the budget. So we may cash the CD to purchase the fire truck.
Greg motioned to approve the amendment ordinance, Emily 2nd Todd Street A Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y Motion carried.
Board Correspondence: there was none
Approve Bills and Payroll: Added AT&T for $81.37 for fire department Suzanne also stated that the Federal taxes are usually split among the departments and will correct that. Dustin motioned, Emily 2nd.
Todd Street A Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y Motion carried.
Review Treasurer Report: Suzanne said we received a $20 toward the Police vehicle fund form a court supervision fine from the county.
Review Department Reports
Police: The Finells go to court again in March, though Gary said he is not sure Finells is not living there anymore, but someone is. Dustin and Ed questioned the red Jeep at Castles that is expired and not license. Ed questioned what the Welfare check meant. Gary said when he noticed that the car had not moved in three days after a snow he thought he should check on the lady knowing she had a few kids. She said she was fine and really appreciated Gary checking on them.
Fire: Punch list –
Water: None
Streets and Alleys: Dustin asked if the spreader was fixed, Colby said he just hasn’t driven it over there to get it fixed.
Review Projects: Suzanne told about the website is still being worked on and that she is able to go behind the scenes and add things.
Agenda Prep:
Illinois Dept. of Revenue contract,
Baptist church would like to know if the village will put more rock on the property across from the bank
Surplus of old spreader
Surplus of old tanker
Surplus of air pack frames
Adjourn meeting Dustin motioned, Emily 2nd Todd Street A Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y Motion carried.