July 19,2017 Meeting Minutes

State of Illinois
County of Vermilion
Village of Fairmount

The Fairmount Village Board met in open session this 19th day of July, 2017
in the council chambers of the village hall. President David Ferber called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. meeting ended at _8:20 p.m. Visitors: Gary Wright, Karen Ferber, Mark and Deb Vecellio, Junior Bennett.

Roll Call: Susie Dodd-Casey _P_ Ed Cheuvront _P_ __ Kathy Myers _P_ Diana Cooper _P_ _ Greg Woodard _P_ __ Emily Carey _P_ _President Dave Ferber P, Clerk Suzanne Woodard _P_
Approve Minutes of June 21st, 2017 Budget Hearing: Ed made motioned, Diana 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y__ Ed Cheuvront Y__ Kathy Myers Y___ Diana Cooper Y___ Greg Woodard Y____ Emily Carey Y___

Approved Minutes of June 21st Regular Meeting: Emily made motioned, Greg 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y__ Ed Cheuvront Y__ Kathy Myers Y___ Diana Cooper Y___ Greg Woodard Y____ Emily Carey Y___
Public Comments: Junior Bennett addressed the board that he doesn’t feel that any progress is being made with people cleaning up their properties. The board disagreed and said many residents have improved. However, citations have been given out and it is in process at city court. Bennett also requested that police would patrol more heavily down side streets around his home. Bennett also wanted the issue of people parking their cars on sidewalks revisited. Ferber asked for Bennett to give him a list of offenders and he would get with Gary on it. Susie Dodd- Casey suggested that we invite State Attorney Jacqueline Lacy to attend a meeting for questioning on some issues. Clerk Woodard will reach out to invite Lacy to next meeting.

Approved Auditor for 2016-2017 fiscal year: Ed made motion to go with Russell Leigh & Associates for this year’s audit. Kathy 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y__ Ed Cheuvront Y__ Kathy Myers Y___ Diana Cooper Y___ Greg Woodard Y____ Emily Carey Y___

Approved IEPA NPDES FEE of $500: Ed made motion, Emily 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y__ Ed Cheuvront Y__ Kathy Myers Y___ Diana Cooper Y___ Greg Woodard Y____ Emily Carey Y___

Approved travel reimbursement for Tax Allocation Meeting for Clerk to attend: Cost approximately $85. Ed made Motion Emily 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y__ Ed Cheuvront Y__ Kathy Myers Y___ Diana Cooper Y___ Greg Woodard Y____ Emily Carey Y___

Approved and set Saturday October 14th for community wiener roast 4p.m.-7p.m: Ed made motion, Greg 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y__ Ed Cheuvront Y__ Kathy Myers Y___ Diana Cooper Y___ Greg Woodard Y____ Emily Carey Y___

First Reading of 2017 Tax Levy: The levy has a 4.99% increase

Executive Session: Did not go into executive session
Review Fire Department application: There wasn’t an application
Approved Fire Department application: There wasn’t an application

Board Correspondence: None

Approved Bills and Payroll: Ed made motion, Greg 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey Y__ Ed Cheuvront Y__ Kathy Myers Y___ Diana Cooper Y___ Greg Woodard Y____ Emily Carey Y___

Review Treasurer’s report: No comments

Review Department Reports:

Police- Report on file- Gary reported that the health dept. gave Crippen until Sept 30th to remove the building he owns. Dave is waiting on response from attorney Steve Miller on some questions regarding other buildings in town.
Fire- Report on file- Dave reported that Hansen Corporation, Material Service presented the Fire Department with a new Heart Start, worth $1000.
Water-: Water tower is complete, Karen had a letter for the board stating there were water customers shut off due to no payments.
Public Works Department- Dave said the storm on July 11th took down trees and a pole, a need for another chainsaw to have on hand might be a good idea. There were over 7 people who volunteered to help Colby clear streets etc. that day. Greg reported the last two months meetings of the Land bank has been cancelled, so he had nothing to report.
Motion to adjourn meeting: Emily made motion, Kathy 2nd,
Susie Dodd-Casey Y__ Ed Cheuvront Y__ Kathy Myers Y___ Diana Cooper Y___ Greg Woodard Y____ Emily Carey Y___