County of Vermilion
Village of Fairmount
The Fairmount Village Board met in open session this 21st day of February, 2018
In the council chambers of the village hall. President David Ferber called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Meeting ended at ___8:56__pm Visitors: Gary Wright
Roll Call: Susie Dodd-Casey P__ Ed Cheuvront _P_ Kathy Myers _P___ Diana Cooper _P__ Dan Albers _P___ Emily Carey _P, President Dave Ferber P_, Clerk Suzanne Woodard P,
Approved minutes of January 17, 2018 regular meeting _Ed _made motion Diana_______2nd motion
Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Kathy Myers __Y__ Diana Cooper __Y_ Dan Albers _Y____ Emily Carey ___Abstain due to being absent last meeting_
Public comments
Vermilion County Animal Control No one present
Action Items
Approved garbage haulers applications from Allied Waste Services
__Ed_made motion _Emily______2nd motion
Susie Dodd-Casey Y__ Ed Cheuvront __Y Kathy Myers _Y___ Diana Cooper Y__ Dan Albers __Y___ Emily Carey Y___
Approved I&I Mutual Aid Association Dues of $100__Ed_ ____made motion ____Emily___2nd motion
Susie Dodd-Casey Y__ Ed Cheuvront __Y Kathy Myers _Y___ Diana Cooper Y__ Dan Albers __Y___ Emily Carey Y___
Approved Sole Source purchasing for pressure control system for water plant
__Ed______ made motion ___Emily____2nd motion
Susie Dodd-Casey Y__ Ed Cheuvront __Y Kathy Myers _Y___ Diana Cooper Y__ Dan Albers __Y___ Emily Carey Y___
Approved class for Police Department Gary wants to go to a class Lead Homicide Investigator in April, there is no cost for the class, but is a 40 hour class Monday through Friday 8:00 am 5:00pm. My question is would you be willing to pay me for that week. The class is Lead Homicide Investigator, He doesn’t think we will ever have a Homicide, but if there is any death in the Village (excluding a person on Hospice) there needs to be a Lead Homicide Inv. present. The last 2 deaths he has have had to rely on someone from the Sherriff Department.
__Ed______made motion __Emily_____2nd motion
Susie Dodd-Casey Y__ Ed Cheuvront __Y Kathy Myers _Y___ Diana Cooper Y__ Dan Albers __Y___ Emily Carey Y___
Approved radio system maintenance fee for Fire Department $1500.00___Ed_____made motion ___Kathy____2nd motion
Susie Dodd-Casey Y__ Ed Cheuvront __Y Kathy Myers _Y___ Diana Cooper Y__ Dan Albers __Y___ Emily Carey Y___
Board Correspondence: None
Approved bills and payroll _Ed______made motion __Diana_____2nd motion
Susie Dodd-Casey Y__ Ed Cheuvront __Y Kathy Myers _Y___ Diana Cooper Y__ Dan Albers __Y___ Emily Carey Y___
Accepted Treasures report ____Dan____made motion ____Emily___2nd motion
Susie Dodd-Casey Y__ Ed Cheuvront __Y Kathy Myers _Y___ Diana Cooper Y__ Dan Albers __Y___ Emily Carey Y___
Board Comments:
Dave asked the board if they want to vacate an alley, Chris Nargelenas has stated he is interested in the alley.
Dave said there is a communication meeting in near future. The cost of the radios will by $880 each he is applying for a grant. The cost could be about $18,000.
When road work begins with work on Fairmount to Sidell Road the road north of the bridge will be closed while they fix the road.
Dave asked if the Board interested in a soliciting ordinance. Emily and Diana is working on that
Dave is started to looking at budget
Project review
Water System pressure control
Ordinance review (none this meeting)
Adjourn meeting: Emily made motion Dan 2nd motion
Susie Dodd-Casey Y__ Ed Cheuvront __Y Kathy Myers _Y___ Diana Cooper Y__ Dan Albers __Y___ Emily Carey Y___