State of Illinois
County of Vermilion
Village of Fairmount
The Fairmount Village Board met in open session this 20th day of April, 2016 in the council chambers of the village hall. President David Ferber called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Meeting ended at 8:49 p.m. Visitors: Gary Wright, Junior Kistler, Gala Kistler, Robin Brock, Justin Davis, and Darrell Myers
Roll call: Susie Dodd-Casey Y_ Ed Cheuvront Y_ Dustin High Absent_ Diana Cooper Y_ Greg Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y President David Ferber
_Y_, Clerk Suzanne Woodard Y_,
Action on minutes of March 16th regular meeting: Ed made motion to accept minutes from March 16, 2016 Diana 2nd, Susie Dodd Casey Y_ Ed Cheuvront Y_ Dustin High Absent_ Diana Cooper Y_ Greg Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y
Public comments: Darrell Myers requested that the board would look into the dust problem created by the Redi-mix near his home, stating that his vehicles are being covered in dust constantly. Myers wants speed bumps installed to decrease the stir of dust caused by the Redi-mix trucks and other cars driving too fast around his corner kicking up the dust. Ed agreed that there is a thick layer of dust on the road due to the business. President Ferber said he would talk to the Redi-mix owners and see if something can be done on their part. Ed Cheuvront stated that there are some holes that could be filled in on the Redi-mix parking lot that may decrease dust. President Ferber is not in favor of speed bumps stating it would be a liability on damage on vehicles. Junior Kistler wanted to address the board in stating that there is an issue with harassing his step daughter in regards to the junk in her yard. Officer Wright stated that the letter he wrote wasn’t about the junk in her yard but about a van that wasn’t operational. The Kistlers feel that there are other places around town in worst condition. Kistler’s step daughter Chelsey DeVore and Justin Davis lives at the rental property and Justin Davis is also stating harassment by the village police. President Ferber asked that a written complaint be submitted and when received he would start an investigation. Suzanne had been visited by Stacey Moore, he was concerned about the smell that is coming from what seems to be a sewage pipe in his neighbor’s yard, and he would like the board to look into this as it has been going on for over four years. President Ferber said he will contact the health department and further investigate. Action on grant application: No action required, there has not been any word on the emergency grant. Action on Ball Association request for donation: Approved purchasing baseballs for all teams in the amount of $319.70 Ed made motion, Greg 2nd, Susie Dodd Casey Y_ Ed Cheuvront Y_ Dustin High Absent_ Diana Cooper Y_ Greg Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y Action on flag purchase: Approved purchase of flags for the next two years up to the amount of $1500. Ed made motion, Emily 2nd Susie Dodd Casey Y_ Ed Cheuvront Y_ Dustin High Absent_ Diana Cooper Y_ Greg Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y
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Action on SCBA compressor contract: Approved maintenance contract with payment of $809. Ed made motion, Greg 2nd Susie Dodd Casey Y_ Ed Cheuvront Y_ Dustin High Absent_ Diana Cooper Y_ Greg Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y
Action on sound dampening in Fire Department Meeting Room: Approved up to $1000. for material to use for sound dampening the meeting room. Greg made motion, Emily 2nd, Susie Dodd Casey Y_ Ed Cheuvront Y_ Dustin High Absent_ Diana Cooper Y_ Greg Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y
Action on purchase of Sunshine Manuals from Illinois Municipal League: Ed made motion to purchase 10 manuals, Greg 2nd Susie Dodd Casey Y_ Ed Cheuvront Y_ Dustin High Absent_ Diana Cooper Y_ Greg Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y
Action on 2016-2017 Tentative Budget: Ed made motion to approve tentative budget, Greg 2nd, Susie Dodd Casey Y_ Ed Cheuvront Y_ Dustin High Absent_ Diana Cooper Y_ Greg Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y Action on signs for Fire Station: Tabled for next meeting, Suzanne to get more prices on bigger size. Action on service tests for Fire Department pumpers: Ed made motion to approve testing, Diana 2nd, Susie Dodd Casey Y_ Ed Cheuvront Y_ Dustin High Absent_ Diana Cooper Y_ Greg Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y Action on water bill adjustments: Dave reported that two out of three customers has responded with payment to the letters that were mailed out on delinquent water bills. Board Correspondence: Dave read a letter stating that the State over paid villages in corporate tax and that the villages will have the overage deducted out of future payments, our amount is $319.56.
Approve bills and payroll: Ed made motion, Greg 2nd, Susie Dodd Casey Y_ Ed Cheuvront Y_ Dustin High Absent_ Diana Cooper Y_ Greg Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y
Review Treasurer’s report: Brooke has sent a message to board members earlier saying that there were some changes to be made on the IL Funds account with user access etc. Also they hadn’t sent her a detailed summary of where deposits came from so in General Revenue for March she lumped them into Income Tax and when she gets inline access she will be able to research and be able to tell where the money came from. Review department reports: Police: Gary had a police report (on file) no other questions. Fire: Nothing to report Water: Waiting on response for emergency grant, will begin pricing for the materials need to fix water system pressure control could be $10,000. Also Dave reported that he went to the school board to discuss the water at the South Campus, someone had made complaint to the EPA and Dave has been testing the water under the advice of the IEPA, there was nothing harmful in the water.
Animal Control: Suzanne sent out the intergovernmental agreement between the county and village to the board members to review. It is questionable why they are charging for an hourly wage when the county pays them. Greg is looking into this. We have no Animal control officer yet. Board Comments: Susie is wanting to look into what can be done with the old lounge on Main Street, concerning that it is a safety hazard. Greg said he would talk to the owner about it. Also
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Susie brought up another house on South Main Street that no one lives in and is owned by Terry Crippen. Ed wants the board to think about hosting an ice cream social for the village. Perhaps
when the Fire Department has its open house. Adjourn: Greg motioned to adjourn, Emily 2nd, Susie Dodd Casey Y_ Ed Cheuvront Y_ Dustin High Absent_ Diana Cooper Absent Greg Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y