February 2016 Meeting Minutes

State of Illinois
County of Vermilion
Village of Fairmount

The Fairmount Village Board met in open session this 17th day of February, 2016 in the council chambers of the village hall. President David Ferber called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. Meeting ended at 9:10 p.m. Visitors: Rinda Maddox, Jacqueline Lacy, Gary Wright, Jim Darr, and Steve Lamb.

Roll call: Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y President David Ferber _Y_, Clerk Suzanne Woodard _Y_,

Action on minutes of January 20th regular meeting Ed motioned to approve minutes, Emily 2nd, Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y
Public comments:
Jacqueline Lacy was present to pass out information or answer any questions regarding her running for States Attorney for Vermilion County at the next election.
Jim Darr was present to ask the board who was responsible or has ownership of some tile that is in his field south east of town. It was discussed that the drainage district may have a map. Dave didn’t know who was owner, Ed suggested Jim to contact Larry Schonert who is on drainage committee.

Action on grant application: According to Pat Gleason the application is 99% completed.
Action on Deputy Village Clerk: Suzanne will type up a job description.
Action on donation to Teen Serve: Steve Lamb was present to answer any questions regarding the $1000. donation he asked the board for. He gave a website of the organization if anyone wanted to check into their financial statements. He also explained that any funds raised would stay locally to continue helping local residents fix their homes etc. Greg made motion to donate $1000. Diana 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _NO_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y
Action on I & I Maintenance Fee: Ed motioned to pay $1000. Greg 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y
Action on purchase of air compressor for Fire Station: Susie brought up a concern that a lot of money is going to the fire department, Emily and Greg agreed with the concern and voiced that residents have approached them complaining how much is being spent. Ed motioned to spend $289 on air compressor, Dustin 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _No_ Emily Carey _Y
Discussion on water rate increase: he board discussed what type of increase would be made should they decide to raise water rates. Dave said he wanted a straw poll vote. Greg made motion to take straw poll vote to increase the water rate by $10 per billing that is $5 per month and to charge water dept .5% interest, Ed 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _absent.
Dave reminded that this vote is not binding,
Ed wanted to raise rates for out of town residents and also the rate per gallon, but board decided not to do that. Ed made motion to take straw poll vote to raise rate from to $2.20 to $2.50 per 1000 gallon. Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey Absent
There will be two public hearings at the fire station. Feb 27, 1pm and March 9 at 7pm. Susie suggested that all board members be present with Dave. Greg said he would be out of town on the 27th but would attend on the 9th.
Action on coats for Fire Department personnel: This is high reflective all weather coats for members who do not enter burning buildings. Ed had an estimate of $50 each. Susie made motion to purchase two coats at this time. Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y
Board Correspondence: Email from Brad Cole, Illinois municipal league, Dave printed copies and handed it out. Thank you note from Susie for the plant when her brother passed. Birkey’s is having an open house. IRWA notice for seminar.
Approve bills and payroll: Suzanne presented a new report generated from Quick Books. There were some questions on what splits meant on the report. Added Shelley’s wage for grant work. Ed made motion to approve bills and payroll, Dustin 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey Absent

Review Treasures report: No comments
Review department reports:
Fire: Dave reported there was a near miss in the past week that a compressor blew apart where a few people had been. It is being fixed.
Police: Gary reported that the Sherriff dept. is going digital, so will need to replace car and hand held radio. May be able to get a price break if order with another department.
Animal Control: Suzanne reported that a $50 fine was paid from a resident to get their dog out of Tilton. There still is no animal control officer.

Board Comments:
Review projects
Water Tower repair

Greg made motion to adjourn, Dustin 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey Absent.