March 15, 2017 Meeting Minutes

State of Illinois
County of Vermilion
Village of Fairmount
The Fairmount Village Board met in open session this 15th day of March 2017, in the council chambers of the village hall. President David Ferber called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. meeting ended at 9:30 P.M. Guests present were: Gary Wright, Kathy Myers, Pat O’Shaughnessy and Karen Ferber
Roll Call: Trustees: Susie Dodd-Casey _P__ Ed Cheuvront _P__ Dustin High _P__ Diana Cooper _P__ Greg Woodard _P__ Emily Carey _P__ Dave Ferber _P__ Clerk Suzanne Woodard _P__
Action on minutes of February 15th Regular meeting: Ed made motion, Emily 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Abstain Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y

Public comments: Pat O’Shaughnessy spoke to the board about a program called Vermilion County Land Bank. Several villages/ cities in Vermilion County are using the program that helps sell or convey property through locally developed policies. It doesn’t cost the village anything to be a part of the Land Bank group. It may help the village deal with abandoned buildings or buildings that are to be condemned. The Village would appoint a member of the community to be a liaison and all decisions would be strictly up to the village board to approve any projects. The board was given information packets to look over and will decide at the April meeting if this is something they will want to be a part of.

Action on request for donation by Ball Association: No one was present, will put on April agenda.
Action on Land Bank membership: Will put on April Agenda.
Approved an Ordinance for Natural Gas Franchise Agreement: Ed motioned to approve a 30 year contract receiving $1760 per year and to pass the ordinance. Greg 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y
Action on Park playground material: Susie gave price from Kevin Dodd that mulch would be $34 a yard and pea gravel would be $29 a ton. Dodd also said he would use his mini excavator to help get the old material out of the playground. Dave said that we needed to coordinate a day where we can work on it at one playground at a time and would like to try to get it done by before May 1st. The board decided mulch would be better because it would be wheelchair accessible. Diana made motion to purchase mulch,
Ed 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y
Approved to use Vermilion County rental portable toilets for an ADA porta potty 120 for set up and $95 a month for an ADA Porta potty set up May 1- November 1.Ed made motion, Greg 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y
Action on ATT agreement: The board asked Suzanne to get other prices on landline phone services from other providers and tabled the decision for April meeting.
Action on flowers for Main Street: Emily made motion to approve up to $400 on flowers for Main Street and Fire Department flower pots.
Susie Dodd-Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y
Action on CPR training for Fire Department: Dave reported that he had a price estimate from Mollie Pletch who teaches CPR. It will cost $19 a person that includes book, a mouth piece and certification card plus $50 per class. Ed motion to pay up to $480 for CPR classes, Dustin 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y
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Action on request from Vance Township Library to fund movie rights: Bonnie Gilbert gave Suzanne the two licenses need to show movies at the library is for the Movie Licensing USA for $276 and Motion Picture Licensing Corporation MPLC for approximately $118. Ed made motion to approve up to $400 for the licenses needed, Greg 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y

Board Correspondence: Chapin Rose office will be in Fairmount on March 24th 11 P.M. – 12:30 P.M. at the Village Hall. Board suggested that Suzanne call Rose’s office and make it at the Fire Station meeting room since it is handicap accessible. Dave also mentioned that he received a letter from an engineering firm in Danville stating what our comparison charts on sales tax 2016 went down $22 compared to the year before.
Approval on bills and payroll: Ed made motion to approve, Emily 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y
Review Treasures report: Ed asked to look at the Ameren bills for the Street lighting account, Suzanne gave him the bills.
Review department reports:
Water: Karen passed out a report of numbers on how many customers paid after the 15th of the month when the water bill is due. Out of 295 water customers billed every other month (the even months) there are approximately up to 88 customers that pay after the 15th. Emily proposed that the ordinance be changed that the water bills will be due on the 1st of every odd month and if not paid by the 15th of the odd month then the customer will have the services shut off. This will give the water customers 30 days to pay water bill without being charged a late fee. Dave said he will have the new ordinance to go in effect May 1st June billing. Dave had not heard from company painting the water tower yet.
Police: Gary gave report (On File) Gary requests that the board changes the curfew ordinance to where he will issue a fine not only to a kid who is breaking curfew but also the parent or guardian of the child, instead of taking the kids to the PSB. The board agreed to amend the ordinance at the April meeting. Gary asked if the board would consider purchasing two curfew signs for each end of town.
Discussion was had about a paper trail and fines paid through city court and or county circuit clerk. Susie wants to see when Gary gives a citation the details of the citation or ordinances and how to find out if the people cited has paid the fines. Gary said he will talk look into how to track city court fines.
Fire: Dave handed out a report (on file) on the January and February calls and hours of service of the Fire Department. The board was very pleased with the report.
Streets: Dave reported that Colby is back to work. Lisa Lashuay said using cold patch to fix the streets instead of Bam was better. Recently we used Off Road Asphalt Company and seems to work. Greg had price Colby gave him on speed limit signs that need replaced for 6 were $197. Colby is waiting on a price on decals for the signs to see if it would be less expensive.
Board Comments: Ed wanted to put on April Agenda that the town look into purchasing a power washer for Fire department since they have been using his. Suzanne stated that the volunteer clean-up day is Saturday March 25.
Greg made motion to adjourn, Dustin 2nd, Susie Dodd-Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y