State of Illinois
County of Vermilion
Village of Fairmount
The Fairmount Village Board met in open session this 16th day of March, 2016 in the council chambers of the village hall. President David Ferber called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. Meeting ended at
8:41 p.m. Visitors: Gary Wright
Roll call: Susie Dodd Casey Y_ Ed Cheuvront Y_ Dustin High Y_ Diana
Cooper Y_ Greg Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y President David Ferber
_Y_, Clerk Suzanne Woodard Y_,
Action on minutes of February 17 Th regular meeting: Ed made motion to accept minutes from Feb. 17,
meeting. Dustin 2 ND, Susie Dodd-Casey
Y_ Ed Cheuvront Y_ Dustin High Y_
Diana Cooper Y_ Greg Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y
Public comments: None
Action on grant application: There was nothing to act on, Dave reported that the emergency grant
Pre-application had been signed and sent in. We should hear something in the next 30 days whether or not
we send a full application in.
Action on Keep Vermilion County Beautiful Membership: Ed motioned to pay membership dues of
$100 to KVCB, Diana 2 nd. Emily told the board that our contact person had retired from KVCB and she
has gone to a few meetings throughout the year, she said it is beneficial, and anyone could attend. Susie
Y_ Ed Cheuvront Y_ Dustin High Y_ Diana Cooper Y_ Greg
Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y
Action on bids for tree removal: There were two bids for removal of four trees and grind the stumps.
$1750. from Miller Tree Service and $1700. from Timberworks (GW Reffett). On Timberworks quote it
said they would cut into 10 foot sections. The Village wants the wood to be cut into 5 foot section, for
easier hauling in village equipment. Ed felt that because the village used Miller Tree service in the past on
numerous occasions and were pleased with the work that the board should stay with them .The question
was asked would Timberworks charge extra to cut into 5 ft. sections. A phone call and text was made to
GW Reffett of Timberworks to ask. The board moved on to agenda items until GW could be reached.
Action on water rate Ordinance: Ed made motion to accept water rate Ordinance 20152016011.
Rate increase takes effect April 2016.Water charge per 1000 gallons were $2.20 and was raised to $2.50.
Surcharge for Maintenance Fund was $2.50 and was raised to $7.50 per month. Water bills are sent out
every two months. Greg 2 nd , Susie Dodd-Casey
Y_ Ed Cheuvront Y_ Dustin High
_Y_ Diana Cooper Y_ Greg Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y
Action on Park porta potty:
Ed motioned to use Vermilion Porta Potty for $95 a month May to October
31 at the park Dustin 2 nd , Susie Dodd-Casey
Y_ Ed Cheuvront Y_ Dustin High
_Y_ Diana Cooper Y_ Greg Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y
Action on auditors for 2015-2016 audit: Ed made motion to sole source the auditors LeCleir & Yerem,
Diana 2 nd , Susie Dodd-Casey
Y_ Ed Cheuvront Y_ Dustin High Y_ Diana
Cooper Y_ Greg Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y
Action on dumpsters for cleanup day: Greg made motion to use Crane Roll off at $560 per dumpster,
three dumpsters will be ordered, Diana 2 nd , Susie Dodd-Casey
Y_ Ed Cheuvront NO
Dustin High Y_ Diana Cooper Y_ Greg Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y
Set Village Cleanup day: Greg made motion to set cleanup day for Saturday May 14, Diana 2 nd , Susie
Y_ Ed Cheuvront Y_ Dustin High Y_ Diana Cooper Y_ Greg
Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y
Action on purchasing flowers for Village flower pots: Karen Ferber has volunteered to plant flowers
for the village flower pots. Ed made motion to approve $400 for flowers, Greg 2 nd , Susie
Y_ Ed Cheuvront Y_ Dustin High Y_ Diana Cooper Y_ Greg
Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y
Action on water service for Village lots on S. High Street: Ed made motion to install water service on
S. High Street, Greg 2 nd , Susie Dodd-Casey
Abstain, Ed Cheuvront Y_ Dustin
High Y_ Diana Cooper Y_ Greg Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y
Board Correspondence: A letter from Carl Davis from Rising Wireless it would be unlimited for $45 a
month, installation is free. Board is interested in this, several people know of others who are using it,
question was asked if band speed was comparable to what we have. Suzanne will call Carl and ask
questions, the board will decide next month meeting. Suzanne will also make sure there isn’t a contract
with Comcast for the accounts at Town Hall, and Fire Station.
IEPA: Acknowledging the letter Dave wrote them regarding the recommendations they made for the
water plant.
(GW had not called back yet, board decide to wait until end of meeting to make a decision)
Approve bills and payroll: Greg made motion to approve bills and payroll, Dustin 2 nd , Susie
Dodd-Casey Y_ Ed Cheuvront Y_ Dustin High Y_ Diana Cooper Y_ Greg
Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y
Review Treasurer’s report: Correction was made to move the $825 from Drainage in July to
Administration assessment. This was for the county tax bill for the drainage.
Review department reports:
Police: Gary gave report (On file) also reported that his computer went down due to windows 10 upgrade.
It is in the computer clinic.
Streets & Alleys : Colby is back to work.
Fire: Everything is good, Susie mentioned she wants the Fire Department to have an open house, since it
never had one since it has been built.
Water: Auditors are researching to see if we can charge interest on the loan for the water tower repair.
Water tower is running over, Susie asked how long it’s been running over and why it’s not been fixed.
Dave said this is an occasional problem that has been occurring for several years but has become more
problematic in the past several months. The pressure control is a 30 year old system. Lorin is trying to fix
the problem. If a new system is the answer we will look at it after the water tower has been repainted.
Board Comments:
Sidewalk repair : Ed wants to hold off to see if we get grant for the water. Dave will put money
in line item on budget, if we find something very bad the board can revisit deciding repairs.
Susie said we still need to fix the problem by McMahon’s as well.
Noise dampening in Fire Department meeting room: Ed wants to hang cork bulletin boards
and also shadow boxes for pictures etc. in the Station.
Review projects
Water Tower repair: Already discussed earlier
At 8:30 GW had not called the board back and the board decided to take action on the tree removal bid.
Ed made motion to accept Miller Tree Service at $1750. Diana 2 nd , Susie Dodd-Casey
Y_ EdCheuvront Y_ Dustin High Y_ Diana Cooper Y_ Greg Woodard Y_ Emily
Carey Y
Emily made motion to adjourn the meeting Greg 2 nd Susie Dodd-Casey
Y_ Ed Cheuvront_Y_ Dustin High Y_ Diana Cooper Y_ Greg Woodard Y_ Emily Carey Y