County of Vermilion
Village of Fairmount
The Fairmount Village Board met in open session this 20th day of March 2019, in the council chambers of the village hall. President David Ferber called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. Meeting ended at 8:45 p.m. Visitors: Brandan Edrington (village animal control officer) Jim Toy, Gary Wright (Police Chief) Kristy Burke (treasurer) Carol Shahan, Steve Berry, Dan Meeker and Tammy Dixon
Roll call
Susie Dodd-Casey P, Ed Cheuvront P, Kathy Myers P, Diana Cooper P, Dan Albers P, Emily Carey P, President, Dave Ferber P, Clerk, Suzanne Woodard P
Approved minutes of February 20, 2019 regular meeting Kathy made motion, Ed 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y, Ed Cheuvront Y, Kathy Myers Y, Diana Cooper Y, Dan Albers Y, Emily Carey Y,
Public comments: Jim Toy wanted an update on the parking issue on his street, Dave said it is unlawful to block a driveway and has instructed Gary to let them know it is such. Gary said a parked car needs to be 12” from the curve.
Steve Berry wanted to know if the solution of the drainage at Carol Shahan house was on the agenda. Dave said no, that he looked at ditches and wasn’t sure what could be done. Steve Berry said he talked to Alan Puzey with the Union drainage district said they couldn’t help the situation. Tammy Dixon said the existing pipe is damaged and the flooding has affected her garage because there is no drainage. Susie said sometimes we, as a board has to do what is right, and wants to help resolve the situation. The board wants to put it on the April agenda to approve a way to help rectify the situation with labor and there was also the subject of the garbage around the village and different homes.
Emily Carey and Susie Dodd Casey will work on ordinance and talk with village attorney Steve Miller to see what our options is are. Whether to get permission from owner to get property to clean up and can get a form to grant permission from occupant or home owner to clean and if no permission what way is court order to get them. Also, if there can be any repercussion to the landlord. Gary will also contact States attorney office.
Board Correspondence:
Dan Meeker was present to talk about the dog attack on the dog his wife was walking and was injured in the process as well as the dog. The dog was taken to the VC animal regulation, and the owner got it back the next day. Meeker wanted to know how to deem it vicious. Meeker wants to know what the village board plans to do about it, to keep from this sort of thing happening again, and threatened to sue to the board if something wasn’t done. Dave said a new ordinance is being worked on, as well as, Gary looking into how to deem the animal vicious. Brandon showed the board the cage that the dog tore up.
Kristy Burke was present to answer any questions on the treasurer report. The board discussed depositing money into Illinois Funds accounts instead of purchasing CDs.
Action Items
Approved Fire Department Radio Maintenance Agreement $1500
Ed made motion, Dan 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y, Ed Cheuvront Y, Kathy Myers Y, Diana Cooper Y, Dan Albers Y, Emily Carey Y,
Approved update for Quick Books up to $300
Ed made motion, Dan 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y, Ed Cheuvront Y, Kathy Myers Y, Diana Cooper Y, Dan Albers Y, Emily Carey Y,
Approved training seminar for Clerk $99 for room, $75 for seminar in Peoria June 20-21, plus mileage and meal.
Ed Made motion, Kathy 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y, Ed Cheuvront Y, Kathy Myers Y, Diana Cooper Y, Dan Albers Y, Emily Carey Y,
Approved clean-up day for the Village May 18 Dan motion, Emily 2nd
Ed also mentioned that he would like to include appliances and offer curbside pickup for that day. A flier will be mailed out with the water bills in April.
Susie Dodd-Casey Y, Ed Cheuvront Y, Kathy Myers Y, Diana Cooper Y, Dan Albers Y, Emily Carey Y,
Approved dumpsters for clean-up day Crane Roll off $560
Kathy Made motion, Diana 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y, Ed Cheuvront Y, Kathy Myers Y, Diana Cooper Y, Dan Albers Y, Emily Carey Y,
Approved purchase of flowers for village flower pots and potting soil and perennials for the park planter
Emily Made motion, Dan 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y, Ed Cheuvront Y, Kathy Myers Y, Diana Cooper Y, Dan Albers Y, Emily Carey Y,
Approved purchase of pagers for Fire Department Ferber reported there is a shortage on pagers, have opportunity to purchase 5 used pagers and used charges for $250. To buy new pagers would be $350 per pager. This will give the department two pagers in reserve to be used when other pagers are being sent in to be repaired.
Ed Made motion, Dan 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y, Ed Cheuvront Y, Kathy Myers Y, Diana Cooper Y, Dan Albers Y, Emily Carey Y,
Approved car wash tokens for Police Department $100.
Ed Made motion, Emily 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y, Ed Cheuvront Y, Kathy Myers Y, Diana Cooper Y, Dan Albers Y, Emily Carey Y,
Board Correspondence: A thank you note from Ed when his father passed away.
Approved the bills and payroll Ed made motion, Emily 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y, Ed Cheuvront Y, Kathy Myers Y, Diana Cooper Y, Dan Albers Y, Emily Carey Y,
Accepted Treasures report:
Emily made motion, Diana 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y, Ed Cheuvront Y, Kathy Myers Y, Diana Cooper Y, Dan Albers Y, Emily Carey Y,
Board Comments: Kathy wants to know what is being done about the derelict vehicles, boats or motor homes that can be ticketed. Kathy also questioned about the abandoned homes. Gary said the health department has been in contact with the owners.
Project review
Water System pressure control:
Adjourned Emily made motion, Dan 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y, Ed Cheuvront Y, Kathy Myers Y, Diana Cooper Y, Dan Albers Y, Emily Carey Y,
Next regular meeting
April 17, 2019