May 18, 2016 Meeting Minutes

State of Illinois
County of Vermilion
Village of Fairmount

The Fairmount Village Board met in open session this 18th day of May in the council chambers of the village hall. President David Ferber called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. meeting ended at 8:44 P.M Guests present were: Gary Wright, Lisa Lashuay and Vermilion County Chairman Mike Marron.

Roll Call: Trustees: Susie Dodd-Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y President Dave Ferber Y Clerk Suzanne Woodard Y
April 20, 2016 Minutes Approved: Greg made Motion, Emily 2nd Motion
Susie Dodd- Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High v Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y President Dave Ferber Y Clerk Suzanne Woodard Y
Public Comments: County Board Chairperson Mike Marron-talked about the Vermilion County 20/20/25 plan, and spoke about the strength, weakness and opportunity and threats that face the county and what is planned to make the county a better place to live.
Action on Motor Fuel tax program: Lisa Lashuay was present to go over the revision of the MFT resolution. Ed motioned to revise MFT Resolution with $30,000 for purposes of streets and alleys. Greg 2nd,
Susie Dodd- Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High v Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y
Action on grant application: Dave reported that the emergency grant the village had applied for in March was denied. The village can look for more grants that would pay retroactive, but the board feels they must move forward since the contract is signed to start proceedings in the fall with the water tower.
Action on 2016-2017 Appropriations Ordinance: Ed motion to approve, Dustin 2nd,
Susie Dodd- Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y
Action on signs for Fire Station: Ed motion to buy the signs from Rahn’s Equipment for approximately $75 each. Greg 2nd, motion. These signs will direct people where the fire station is, and will be erected on Main Street. : Susie Dodd- Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High v Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y
Action on testing lab for community water supply testing: Ed motioned to approve using Illinois EPA lab at $770.25 a year. Dustin 2nd
Susie Dodd-Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y
Executive Session: Did not go into executive session
Review of executive session minutes
Action on release of executive session minutes: Ed motion to release the executive session minutes of May 20, 2015, Greg 2nd
Susie Dodd- Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y

Page 2. 05/18/2016

Board Correspondence: Dave received a FOIA/OMA letter asking for some documents, he asked the board if they wanted to be made aware of each request, the board said it wasn’t necessary.
Approve bills and payroll: Ed motion to approve bills and payroll, Dustin 2nd,
Susie Dodd- Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y
Review Treasures report: No comments were made.
Review department reports:
Fire Department – None
Police – Report on File
Streets & Alleys:
Health & Safety: Dave reported that the dumpsters were a huge success, the three were filled all in one weekend.
The village still needs an animal control officer
Water: In April the board decided to send notices reminding of the water rates changes with the water bills that go out in June. The annual water reports will also be mailed along with them.
Dave reported that Sims Drilling was called in an emergency as there was a problem with the well at the water tower. It quit pumping water and the pump and motor was replaced costing around approximately $3500 and an acid wash is being recommended. At the next board meeting it will be discussed if an acid wash is what needs to be done it could cost $2500.
Board Comments: Greg said he talked to owner Jan Schacht of the tavern and asked what his plans were concerning the condition of the building. Schacht said he had no plans at the present time but would do what was necessary to keep it from being a hazard. Diana expressed concern about Terry Crippen house on South Main Street saying that the neighbors are complaining of rodents and other creatures around the house.
Greg made motion to adjourn the meeting, Emily 2nd: Susie Dodd- Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y