State of Illinois
County of Vermilion
Village of Fairmount
The Fairmount Village Board met in open session this 21st day of December 21, 2016 in the council chambers of the village hall. President David Ferber called the meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. meeting ended at 8:45 P.M. Guests present were: Gary Wright
Roll Call: Trustees: Susie Dodd-Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y President Dave Ferber Y Clerk Suzanne Woodard Y
Approved the minutes of November 16th Regular meeting: Ed made motion Dustin 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y
Public comments: None
Approved on Water Bill adjustment: Dave stated that there were letters mailed out to some outstanding water bill customers that were put on payment plans and he put this line item on the agenda in case any of them wanted to address the board asking for an adjustment. There weren’t any one present. The board discussed to revisit the water billing policy on how long a person should be allowed to have service and not paying their bill before shutting off the service.
Approved on 2017 Village Board Meeting dates: Meeting dates are the third Wednesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. Ed made motion to approve, Greg 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y
Approved on Illinois Municipal League membership: The membership is $150. Ed made motion, Dustin 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y
Approved on Travel Reimbursement Ordinance: The board approved to make a $300 per person per day expense amount for the ordinance. Ed made motion, Emily 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y
Approved on ice machine at Fire Station: the Fire Department ice machine was old and unfixable. They went and bought a new one for $1815. They are asking the village to pay for half of it. Susie suggested that they bring expenses to the board before purchasing something if they want the village to pay for it. Dave said that usually is the practice that they do and that there were parties at the meeting room and they wanted to have it available for those present. That is why they didn’t want to wait. Ed made motion to pay $907.50 for the ice machine, Dustin 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y
Approved on pay rate for Village Employees: Greg said that since the salary study showed that the village employees are very competitive with other villages that he didn’t feel there was a need for a pay raise at this time.
Discussed policy for use of Village facilities: Dave read a letter from Maria Brewer (is on file) concerning the possibility of charging to use the Fire Station meeting room. The board had a lengthy discussion Dave opposes charging, Ed said a small fee would help with paying for cleaning etc. Emily suggested that a notice asking for a donation would be good. An idea was to put a donation box at the meeting room for people to give free will donation. The board liked the idea instead of charging at this time. The money would be deposited in to the general account and would be used for maintenance of the room. Dave also said he will be working on a binder filled with usage instructions for the room for the public to use.
There was no action but it was a consensus of the board to put a donation box that Dave said he would make.
Greg left at 8:14 p.m.
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Executive Session: Did not go into Executive Session
Review Fire Department application for Shana Chestnut of Fairmount and William Conner of Sidell.
Susie asked what the procedure was to allow someone on the department. Dave explained the procedures.
Approved Shana Chestnut of Fairmount, Emily motioned to accept, Ed 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey Abstained Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Absent Emily Carey Y
Approved William Conner of Sidell, Ed motion, Emily 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Absent Emily Carey Y
Board Correspondence: None
Approved on bills and payroll: Ed made motion, Dustin 2nd, Susie Dodd-Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Absent Emily Carey Y
Review Treasures report: No questions
Review department reports:
Fire Dept. Nothing to report
Police: Gary gave report (on file)
Streets: Dave said they spread sand on the intersections when it was icy.
Animals: None
Water: Dave reported that normal usage being used, there may be a leak on Park street near Cramer’s, that they are watching. We were billed for the interior work done on the water tower and there was a $12,000 decrease since they didn’t have to sand blast the inside.
Board Comments: Dave said he went to a meeting about the road and reported when the work will take place, he also said that when the county takes possession they will give us the $70,000 along with the part of road we are going to take. He is not sure if the money will have to go into MFT or General account.
Adjourn: Emily made motion to adjourn, Ed 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey Y Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Absent Emily Carey Y