February 20, 2019 Minutes

State of Illinois

County of Vermilion

Village of Fairmount

The Fairmount Village Board met in open session this 20th day of February, 2019

In the council chambers of the village hall. President David Ferber called the meeting to order at   7:00    p.m.     Meeting ended at 8:35 p.m.

 Visitors: Police Chief Gary Wright, Jim Toy, Steve Berry and Carol Shahan

Roll Call: Susie Dodd-Casey P__ Ed Cheuvront _P_ Kathy Myers P__ Diana Cooper P_ Dan Albers _P_ Emily Carey P, President Dave Ferber P_, Clerk Suzanne Woodard _P___

Approved minutes of January 16, 2019 regular meeting:  Ed   made motion    Emily 2nd

Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Kathy Myers Y Diana Cooper _Y__ Dan Albers _Y____   Emily Carey Y

Public comments:

Jim Toy of 107 E. South St, had concern regarding parking on his street. The neighbors on the south side of the street at 108 E. South is blocking his drive way to where he can’t get out.  Have Gary talk to the people and ask them to park accordingly to Toys driveway. Gary will also check how many inches from the curb a car is to be parked. Dave also said we may need to invite the block to discuss a solution at the next meeting.

Steve Berry and Carol Shahan were present to discuss the drainage issue at Shehan house on State rd. She is in the Union Drainage District, and has contacted them and has contacted the Fairmount Drainage District to no solution. Ferber said the board would discuss some possible solutions.

Action Items

Approved process to select Auditor for 2018-2019 audit : Ed made motion to sole source with Russell Leigh & Associates at $5600 Emily 2nd.

Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Kathy Myers Y Diana Cooper _Y__ Dan Albers _Y____   Emily Carey Y

Approved installation of ceiling in Village Garage :  Ed made motion Emily 2nd

Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Kathy Myers Y Diana Cooper _Y__ Dan Albers _Y____   Emily Carey Y

Approved purchase or update of Village Clerk computer: Ed made motion to spend $1000 for computer and software Dan 2nd. Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Kathy Myers Y Diana Cooper _Y__ Dan Albers _Y____   Emily Carey Y

Approved purchase of flags for 3 years Supply $2833   Ed made motion Dan 2nd

Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Kathy Myers Y Diana Cooper _Y__ Dan Albers _Y   Emily Carey Y

Decided Tabled to invest of excess funds to investigate some other options besides CD’s

Approved survey of Bowman Street:   Dan motion Emily 2nd

Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Kathy Myers Y Diana Cooper _Y__ Dan Albers _Y____   Emily Carey Y

Board Correspondence: Thank you card from Kathy for planter at mother’s funeral

Approved on bills and payroll   Ed made motion, Kathy 2nd

Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Kathy Myers Y Diana Cooper _Y__ Dan Albers _Y   Emily Carey Y

Accepted Treasures report Emily made motion Dan 2nd

Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Kathy Myers Y Diana Cooper _Y__ Dan Albers _Y____   Emily Carey Y

Board Comments: Kathy commented that there are people around town with trash in their garages and not having trash pickup. There also has been reports of rats at a couple residences and the Vermilion County Health Department has been in contact with the owners.            

Project review

Water System pressure control

Adjourned Dan made motion, Diana 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Kathy Myers Y Diana Cooper _Y__ Dan Albers _Y____   Emily Carey Y