General Information

Water Department

Our water clerk is Karen Ferber

Our water superintendent is Lorin Kinney

Streets & Alleys

Police Department

Our Police Chief is Gary Wright.

Notary Services

The Fairmount clerk offers Free Notary services locally and by donation if she has to travel outside of Fairmount. Suzanne can be reached at 217-733-2388 or 217-474-9610.


The Ordinances are being organized and our goal is to update some each year as we go through all of the old records. Some of the ordinances are as old as the early 1900’s. Since 2014 any ordinance that the board passed has been filed and given a copy with the Vermilion County Clerk. A copy of each ordinance is also kept at the Village Hall and anyone can get a copy if they need to. We are hoping to be able to also download ordinances on this website so anyone can see the ordinances of our Village.


Our part-time Maintenance man is Colby Ferber on call workers are:

  • Corey Ferber
  • Karen Ferber
  • Casey Ferber
  • Shaelynn Trisler
  • Heather Ellis

Health and Safety

The weather alert siren is sounded each month on the 2nd Tuesday at 10:00am


Information coming soon.

Buildings and Grounds

Information coming soon.