July 2015, Meeting Minutes

State of Illinois

County of Vermilion

Village of Fairmount


The Fairmount Village Board met in open session this 15th day of July 2015 in the council chambers of the village hall.  President David Ferber called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. Meeting ended at 8:53 p.m. Visitors: Gary Wright, Allison Pearcy & Tina Davis, (FEC committee) Chuck Nesbitt, Jan McFadden and husband, Mike Marron and daughter all from Vermilion County Board. Cathy Jenkins & Lindsay Light with the Vermilion County Clerk and election office.

Roll Call: Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_ President Dave Ferber _Y_, Clerk Suzanne Woodard _Y_,

Approve minutes of May 20th Budget Hearing Ed motioned Emily Second: Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_

Approve minutes of June 17th regular meeting: There were a couple grammar changes and Greg had abstained in his vote to be on the fire department. Also added the word village to a sentence. Greg motioned Diana 2nd: Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_

Public comment: Mike Marron Vermilion County Board Chairman, said he is getting out in Vermilion county wanting to make county government more relevant to the county villages. The Sidell Road is one of the items we worked together to get a deal on that, and received a letter from IDOT of intent to move forward on the road. It will take some time due to funding.  Also spoke of four point plan, 1.finances straight, 2.update county property, like court house etc. 3. Effective County Government, combine election and county clerk for example and software making departments cost effective, and keeping things updated. 4. Getting out talking with people of the county and also is in an effort to keep communications open he is starting a newsletter. How can the county help other communities?  A 20/25 plan group of board members to get citizens opinion’s to make Vermilion County better in the years to follow. Two other issues is the Breese tower in Danville attached to the annex getting either a new tenant or moving the annex. And also the EMA department building is not a good building and needs new home.  Jan McFadden and Chuck Nesbitt also County Vermilion District 3 Reps, were present to make comments on Marron’s talk.  Nesbitt also wanted to thank the board and those who helped get the ball rolling and their presence at the county meetings regarding the Sidell/Fairmount road issue.  Cathy Jenkins Vermilion county clerk with Lindsay Light County Election Liaison were present to let us know they are moving and combining election polling places to help save money, and make it easier for voters. Jenkins also explained there are a number of ways to vote and even more change may be coming to make voting easier. Wanted to make sure if there are any questions to know to call her. Dave asked for the dates of elections to reserve the rooms for the future elections, Light said she will email Suzanne the dates.

Approve donation to Fairmount Event Committee for fish fry: Allison Pearcy and Tina Davis said they were having the 2nd annual Fish Fry fall festival and told of some things going to happen, they asked for $425 to get the Fish Fry guy to come and set up.  Ed made motion up to $500 and pay directly to Fish Fry guy directly, Greg 2nd. Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_


Approve sidewalk replacement: Due to Concrete worker being ill the project has been put on hold. Dave said there is plenty of time left to work on it and if it doesn’t get done this year it is ok. Suzanne said there was an $18 difference from last month’s bill that was not added in.

Approve Animal Control Ordinance: Dave said that he added a section 16 that will repeal any prior animal ordinances in the past: Ed motioned, Emily 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_

Approve shirts for elected and appointed officials and employees:   Ed made motion to approved purchase of 2 shirts each approximately $9 each for board members and employees who want them, long shirts optional for a little more, and to order a few extra to have on hand. Greg 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_

Approve Prevailing Wage Ordinance: Ed made motion to approve, Greg 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_

Approve antenna for Fire Station: Ed motioned to purchase antenna approximately $1086, Dustin 2nd, Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_

Approve replacement or repair of extendable chain saw:  Ed motioned to purchase new one approximately $700 Dustin 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_

Approve new tires on 11-SS-5:  It is the mini bus Ed said we should purchase a new one, Dustin asked when the last time we used it was, and is there a need for a bus? Dave said he is not in favor of purchasing another vehicle right now when the police car and back hoe may be needing replaced in ten years. Ed also suggested that we get a new town truck and then use the old truck for fire department. Dave said the truck is only four years old and he is not in favor of buying anything right now, after purchasing the tanker. Ed said we need to price tires before just going to one place. Tabled to August meeting, to get more pricing on these tires.

Approve Fire Department Pumper Service tests: Greg motioned to service tests at $150 per vehicle, there are two to be done. Dustin 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_

Approve IEPA NPDES fee: $500 fee Ed motioned Dustin 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_

Approve improvements to Park Pavilion electrical service: Diana motion to spend up to $400 Emily 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_

Approve appointment of two Freedom of Information Act Officers: State requires that the village has a FOIA officer, Dave recommended himself and Suzanne since they have had the training. Ed made motion to appoint Dave and Suzanne, Diana 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_


Board Correspondence:  Dave said Tax levy will need to be worked on in the near future. Emily said she wants to see about an ordinance about the people mowing grass throwing it on the street. Saying Colby is one person that does it. Diana agreed that it is an issue town wide.  It was noted it is not just Colby doing it. Dave said he will talk to Colby and remind him not to mow out towards street. Also said we can put it in the paper and also some signs around town asking people not to mow grass on the streets, to keep drains clean and to keep town looking nice. Sidell has an ordinance that people get fined for.

Approve bills and payroll:  Noticed that there was a deposit of $17,584.06 from Vance Township. Greg reported that he had talked to Kim Jolley and that Jolley said it was his fault just forgot to pay it. He paid $8000 for two years for the fire protection and the utilities bills they split with the village. Jolley paid for the years 2013-2014, 2014-2015 bringing it up to date for the 2015-2016 year. Susie asked if they had been sent a statement, Dave didn’t know if Vonda had in the past. Usually after the taxes are paid is when they pay for it.  Jolley also said he thought they paid $4000 for a year. Dave asked for Suzanne to investigate on back deposits. Greg asked why the Township is even required to pay half of the bill since their meetings only last approximately half an hour, and since the village hall is being used more than it has been before since Suzanne works from their instead of from home, it doesn’t seem fair. Ed said that residents pay township tax and that is what it is used the agreement was made years ago we should leave it.  Dave said we could try to cut down electricity, and gas, and then questioned why we get charged for gas during the summer, because the furnace is not on.  Suzanne suggested that she could turn on the AC only when she is at the hall. Suzanne is also going to call Ameren to discuss bill. Diana asked what INB Processing card was, Suzanne explained it was a Bank Credit card. Susie asked when the hydrants will be fixed, Dave said Illinois Rural water will be called and they will advise. Ed said, it costs up to $3500 each. With valve. Dave said if we sell water rights we may not want to put a lot of money into, but we will have to make a decision before fall.

Emily made motion to approve bills and payrolls. Dustin 2nd. Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_

Review Treasures report:  Suzanne reported that there was a correction on the balances of the three CDs the village has.  Diana had a few questions on some line items. Dave suggested that next year on the treasurer report to separate the deposits so we know what we are getting and from whom. Suzanne said on the Bills and Payroll she and Brooke discussed that deposits will be broken down on separate line items.

Review department reports:

Police: Gary submitted report

Fire: Had 11 calls medical call, and are preparing to pour concrete the 3 handicap places in front of the fire station

Water: There is a trouble with a shut off, tower is overflowing not sure why.

Board Comments: Suzanne told the board she started a UPS account for Water samples.

Review projects

 Website: Still in progress

Handicapped parking at Fire Station still in progress

Agenda items: New tires for 11-22-5, Sidewalks,

Adjourn:  Greg motion, Dustin Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_