State of Illinois
County of Vermilion
Village of Fairmount
The Fairmount Village Board met in open session this 17th day of June 2015 in the council chambers of the village hall. President David Ferber called the meeting to order at 7:00p.m. Meeting ended at 9:19 p.m. Visitors: Gary Wright, Rinda Maddox
- Roll Call: Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_ President Dave Ferber _Y_ , Clerk Suzanne Woodard _Y_ ,
Approve of Budget hearing minutes. Suzanne didn’t realize she had to have them and so will have them to approve at the July meeting.
Approved May 20, 2015 meeting: Greg motioned to accept minutes, Diana 2nd, Susie Dodd-Casey _A Ed Cheuvront _A_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_
Public comments: Dave read a letter from Mary Fultz regarding some sidewalk work at her home.
Approve sidewalk replacement: The board reviewed what sidewalks have already been fixed on Main Street and the amount that has been spent is $3195.45. The board decided that the sidewalk that needs fixed in order will be 1. George Howe Resident 2. UMC sidewalk 3. Emily Carey, 4.Fultz Mary resident. There is only approximately $1800 left to spend and after the work is done on #1 location then will look at how much the UMC sidewalk would be, if it is too much then will move on to smaller areas #3 and #4 location. Dave suggested 100 block of West North St. Street, but the board suggested to wait for next year on that. Susie asked who determines what sidewalks need fixed. Dave explained that the board is advised in March to walk in the sidewalks and write down what sidewalks they feel needs fixed and then they discuss what priority is. Ed made motion to approve as money allows the numbered location, Emily 2nd Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_
Approve Animal Control Ordinance: Tabled for July because Suzanne had never done an ordinance and needed it proofread and send to all board members.
Approve bid for surplus Fire Department: Mark Ames II gave a bid of $1200. Colby will remove siren and lights before pick up. Ed made motion to accept bid for $1200.00 Diana 2nd, Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_
Approve bid for surplus Street Department chip spreader: There is no bids at this time. Ed said wait until Fall, and also Colby can put on line to sell.
Approve Illinois Rural Water Association Dues: Ed made motion to pay $295 for Dues, Greg 2nd, Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_
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Approve computer program for Water Department billing: Ed said we need to talk about other options as in if we were going to sell water rights first. Suzanne questioned why it is taking so long for engineers to get out here. Board wanted to make it more efficient and computerize the program instead of Karen doing it by hand. Quick books would need to buy a new license, but they don’t print postcards and not tally water consumption. Lorin Kinney has a written excel program used by three other towns and is $300 and will do what we would want to do. Ed said the price is not bad but if fixing the water tower is too much to fix, we might consider selling the water rights. Dave said two companies are interested in buying, but Suzanne also mentioned that Shelley Darnell, village Clerk of Catlin says there are grants out there, and she feels we could definitely qualify. Ed and Dave said why pay for a water program if we might get rid of water rights. Dave said Karen doesn’t want a new program, even though she took an excel class at the boards suggestion. Three laptops were bought over a year ago one for clerk, treasurer and water clerk, Dave said Karen has not used the laptop or the printer. There is also 4 hydrants that need fixed and Dave also said rates may go up eventually. The town has 3 drilled water wells and they are mediocre at best. There is a lot to discuss and consider. Board decided to table this decision, Dave said Karen is happy with the way she is doing the bills now and doesn’t want to do the computer program.
Diana said we need to start looking into grants and what it takes to get one and Suzanne said Shelly would help. Dave said also check the IRWA. Susie said it is very interesting to go to the meetings they have.
Approve shirts for new trustee: Board has bought shirts in the past for trustees. Ed said a minimum was $9 apiece. Table this to see if we have any extra already.
Executive Session: Board did not see a need to go into Executive Session:
Review Fire Department application
Review on Call list application
Approve Fire Department appointment: Greg Woodard had submitted an application to the Fire Department as fire fighter and first responder. Ed made motion to accept Greg as a member of the volunteer fire department. Emily 2nd, Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_
Approve On Call list appointment: Heather Ellis had submitted a letter of interest to be put on the on call list. Ed motioned to approve heather to be on the list. Greg 2nd, Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_
Susie asked how many were on call Ed and Dave said approximately six.
Board Correspondence: Ameren gas pipeline safety notice, Suzanne told the board that Vance Township has not paid the $8000 for fire protection in two years nor the utility bills agreed to split between the village and township for the village hall Ameren bill. She has
sent notices and hand delivered a bill in the past, and spoke to Kim
Jolley. Greg said he will go to the next Township board meeting to
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speak to the board and see if there is a problem. Dave told Greg to contact Kim in advance and let him know he is planning to attend the township meeting.
Approve bills and payroll: Filled in the trustees and president payroll amount and explained to Susie the salaries. Also explained the Norfolk RR amount for $2000 for 10 years at $200 a year to lease the park property, this is dated back from 2010. Ed motioned to approve, Diana 2nd, Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_
Review Treasures report: The wrong date was on the report. Dave went over the treasure report to familiarize Susie.
Review department reports:
Police: Gary had his report. Susie voiced a concern about neighbor’s pool at Gary Davis home. The water is stagnant and not maintained, attracting mosquitoes, it smells, and concerned about neighboring children. It isn’t safe for Gary said he would stop by and talk to the owner. Diana reported that Melissa Castle is getting the title to their jeep to sell by July 2nd.
Water: Lorin is looking at chlorine pump to keep screens cleaned. Susie asked if there was an ordinance for people who have multi flows. It is an aerated septic and there is no ordinance. Dave said there is probably 30 in the
Streets & Alleys: Truck needed some repairs (Repairs on equipment can be done if it is under $2000.00 without board approval.
Fire: only a few things to do. Window blinds have been bought just not put up. The voting location has been moved to the Fire Department as well as Jamaica Township. Susie said the equipment for voting is ready for Colby to pick up from the Faith church. The fire meeting room is always being used, Dave is not interested in charging to use it as it is good for the community unless the board is interested in charging. Dave said it does need to have the carpet cleaned soon.
Board Comments: Susie told the board about a program that is coming to the area next summer called Teen Serve that will benefit the area communities including Fairmount. She said Steve Lamb will be approaching the board and will give more information, it is an exciting event. Susie also said the community garden is going well.
Greg wanted to thank Ed and the workers who helped Dean Woodard with concrete. Diana also thanked Ed for helping with the windows in the hall when she and Suzanne was cleaning them.
Review projects
Website Suzanne passed out email and instructions, and passed out a sheet on contacts for the board and employees.
Agenda prep
HP ink contract, budget meetings, Shirts, FEC asking for donation, animal ordinance,
Dave told the board to let him or Suzanne know of any agenda items, he would like to have the agenda items 10 days before the meeting. He works on the agenda on Sunday evenings and will have it ready a week before the meeting, instead of three days.
Adjourn: Greg motioned Diana 2nd, Susie Dodd-Casey _Y_ Ed Cheuvront _Y_ Dustin High _Y_ Diana Cooper _Y_ Greg Woodard _Y_ Emily Carey _Y_