May 2015, Meeting Minutes

State of Illinois

County of Vermilion

Village of Fairmount


May 20, 2015

Swearing in of the newly elected officials were Suzanne Woodard, Clerk, Diana Cooper, Trustee and Greg Woodard, Trustee. There remained a vacant seat on the board.


The Fairmount Village Board met in open session this 20th day of May

in the council chambers of the village hall. President David Ferber called a Budget hearing meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. Guests present were: Gary Wright, Kathy Myers, Allison Pearcy, and Lisa Lashuay


Budget Hearing:

Roll Call:  Vacant Seat, Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y President, Dave Ferber Y Suzanne Woodard Y

Any discussion on 2015-2016 Budget: None



Board Meeting

The Fairmount Village Board met in open session this 20th day of May 2015 in the council chambers of the village hall. President David Ferber called meeting to order at 7:05 P.M. meeting. Guests present were: Gary Wright, Kathy Myers, Allison Pearcy, and Lisa Lashuay, Meeting ended approximately 9:00 P.M.


April 2015 minutes were approved– Minor modification of clerical error of the way the date was entered in the minutes. Ed motioned to accept, Greg 2ndVacant Seat, Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y President, Dave Ferber Y Suzanne Woodard Y


Public Comments: Suzanne read a letter from Steven Ellis regarding the sidewalk in front of George and Glona Howe home on East State St. He would like the board to consider the area to be on the sidewalk list to be fixed this year. He also had sent pictures. No other comments.


Approve the Appropriation ordinance: Ed motioned to approve Dustin 2nd,:  Vacant Seat, Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y President, Dave Ferber Y Suzanne Woodard Y


Approve Motor Fuel Tax plan for 2015-2016-revised appropriation to use $12,000 for streets and highways. In November we had passed $3500 for general maintenance and had 27,000 in account. Lisa passed out a map showing what roads will be seal coated and road work spending around $12,000 this year saving $15,000 for next year. Ed asked if that included a little extra for patching, and Lisa said yes.

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Ed motioned to approve, Emily 2ndVacant Seat, Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y President, Dave Ferber Y Suzanne Woodard Y


Approve Part-time police department ordinance: Dave said the state of Illinois changed their requirements and we need to change our ordinance, we have to have this done either this month or June. Ed motioned to approve ordinance Dustin 2nd Vacant Seat, Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y

Vacant Seat, Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y

Approve recurring cost of QuickBooks:  Suzanne explained that there is a monthly fee for payroll process and also a yearly software update. Ed made a motion to approve up to $500 a year. Greg 2nd, Vacant Seat, Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y

Mosquito abatement: Suzanne talked to Health Department and Mug a Bug, if all we want to do is put briquette in catch basin only we don’t need a license. They suggested to go through Mug a Bug and will send a letter for possible reimbursement. A case of 100 is $104.50. Ed motioned, Diana 2nd   Vacant Seat, Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y


Approve Sidewalk replacement list:  Greg said Dean Woodard is charging same price as last year at $1.75 per Square feet. Greg, Ed, and Dave had a list. Greg said most were on Main Street and that should be our focus. Dave agreed with focusing on the main street as they are the most used, and what are the worst trip hazards. Kathy Myers asked to speak, she asked if we were concentrating on Main St, on sidewalks why not look at the Crippin and Grissom house that needs mowed and looks terrible. Gary said that he does give them a ticket and they have to pay a fine. Dave said technically the village owns from the sidewalk to the street, and they don’t want to get in the practice of doing it, as most people take care of what is in front of their house. Ed asked that Colby mow the village property of these two houses. Regarding Sidewalk, Ed Made motion to take care of sidewalk on Main Street first before going to the side street sidewalks. Greg 2nd Vacant Seat, Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y


Review Draft of Animal Control Ordinance: The board went through each page and section, and discussed changes etc. Suzanne will revise and have ordinance ready for approval at June meeting.

There are three people interested in the vacant trustee seat Ed motioned to move to Executive session, Greg 2nd, Vacant Seat, Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y

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Ed made motion to go back in open session Dustin 2nd, Vacant Seat, Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y

Appointment of trustee:

Dave said we had three good choices. He thanked Allison and Kathy for coming and their interest in being on the board, at this time Dave nominated Susie Dodd-Casey to fill the vacant trustee seat.

Ed made motion to approve Greg 2nd, Vacant Seat, Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y


Board correspondence:

Dave told the board that the coal mine had sold, Doug Pletch had gotten a letter saying it sold, and he doesn’t know where that leaves the village as far as taking brush there to dispose of. We may have to purchase a chipper to chip into mulch and offer it to people free. He encourage the board to start thinking of our options, until he can get a hold of the new owner to see what will happen.

Ameren: send a book out to the villages with information.

We received a sealed bid for the tanker and so Suzanne will advertise for bids


Approve Bills & Payroll: Suzanne said to add on water bills the IEPA $1900 and on General $49 for postage.


Ed motion to approve, Greg 2nd Vacant Seat, Ed Cheuvront Y Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y


View Treasures report: Dave said Brooke will need to correct the line item 444 under administration because of the amended budget had added the $160,000.00 CD that wasn’t in the budget before.

Review department reports:

Police Dept- The vehicle has had a lot of work done to it recently and was towed in the past month and was out of service for a few days.

Water- Dave said that the hydrants were flushed and should start flushing every month instead of once a year

Projects:  Website is up and running at

Suzanne will have everyone’s emails and instructions in June

Agenda Prep: Sidewalk review, Fire Department application, Bids for surplus items, QuickBooks for the water Dept., Animal ordinance.

Adjourn meeting: Dustin motioned, Emily 2nd, Vacant Seat, Ed Cheuvront A Dustin High Y Diana Cooper Y Greg Woodard Y Emily Carey Y